Pomeranian vs Labrador Retriever

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Breed Snapshot

Life Expectancy:
12 to 16 years

Extra Small

Maintenance Level:


Shed Level:


Best For

Cuddly and compact, Pomeranians thrive on attention and play. With a vibrant personality and moderate exercise needs, these affectionate companions are perfect for anyone seeking a lively companion who flourishes with love and quality time...

Cuddly and compact, Pomeranians thrive on attention and play. With a vibrant personality and moderate exercise needs, these affectionate companions are perfect for anyone seeking a lively companion who flourishes with love and quality time together.

Pomeranian Temperament

Happy-go-lucky is a Pomeranian’s middle name, as their personality is equal parts friendly and inquisitive. They live for social interactions and to make their pet parents laugh out loud. If you have kids at your house, you’ll be glad to learn that aggressiveness isn’t typically...

Happy-go-lucky is a Pomeranian’s middle name, as their personality is equal parts friendly and inquisitive. They live for social interactions and to make their pet parents laugh out loud.

If you have kids at your house, you’ll be glad to learn that aggressiveness isn’t typically in this dog’s nature. Pomeranians aren’t known to be biters, although any dog may snap if provoked. So, teach children to handle dogs with care, and keep a close eye on toddlers and preschoolers who may accidentally drop or clutch this fluffy furball too tightly—it’s easy to mistake a tiny Pomeranian for a favorite stuffed animal. Still, this breed is known to be rather compatible with their extended family, whether it includes other dogs, cats or children.

Not only do they have the looks, but also the smarts. Poms have competency in spades and they’re adept at picking up fun new tricks. If you’re hoping to try obedience classes with your Pomeranian, this breed is keenly intelligent and likely to get good grades!

Not surprisingly, the Pomeranian excels at jobs such as work as a therapy dog and is also known to make a fine watchdog since they’re not afraid to bark. And if looking absolutely adorable is considered a type of employment, then a Pom fills this requirement too—and you should hire this fur baby, pronto!

Pomeranians are sometimes described as cocky, which likely refers to their proud gait and bouncy personality. Smart, perky and alert to everything around them, the Pomeranian breed’s generally positive temperament makes them worthy of top-dog status in many types of families.

Pomeranian Traits

Exercise Needs
Health Issues
Barking Tendencies
Grooming Needs
Shedding Level
Training Needs
Good With Kids
Good With Cats
Good As A Service Dog
Good For Apartments & Small Homes
Biting Tendencies
Energy Level
Good With Other Dogs
Sensitive to Cold Weather
Sensitive to Warm Weather
Good For First Time Pet Parents
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Breed Snapshot

Life Expectancy:
11 to 13 years


Maintenance Level:


Shed Level:


Best For

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular dog breeds in America, known for their friendliness, intelligence and outgoing nature. These high-energy, athletic dogs require ample exercise and thrive in active households.

Labrador Retriever Temperament

Cheerful and animated, this large dog breed has stamina and energy to spare, able to keep up with your family and all your activities. You’ll want to funnel that energy into positive outlets, like outdoor activities and training. And thanks to their high intelligence, learning commands and tricks com...

Cheerful and animated, this large dog breed has stamina and energy to spare, able to keep up with your family and all your activities. You’ll want to funnel that energy into positive outlets, like outdoor activities and training. And thanks to their high intelligence, learning commands and tricks come relativity easy for them. Labrador dogs love having a job to do and excel at things like agility courses and, just like their name implies, retrieving items. In fact, their superior intelligence is why they often make great assistance dogs, working as therapy or service animals.

A people-pleaser, Labrador Retrievers have a pleasant personality and love interacting with humans. Get ready to be showered with lots of affection! They also easily make friends with dogs and other animals, including cats, although not all cats are as excited to meet them as they are—a Lab’s large size and high energy level can be a bit intimidating. Slow and controlled introductions to other family pets will help make the transition go smoothly. Considering the staying power of the Labrador dog breed’s popularity, it’s a safe bet your Lab will fit right in with the all the loved ones you choose to introduce into their life.

While they’re generally good-natured, like any dog breed, Labs may develop aggressive tendencies if they don’t receive proper training or have experienced abuse. Addressing any biting issues early on, providing proper socialization when they are puppies (aka safely exposing them to lots of new people, places and things) and working with a professional dog trainer can help avoid behavioral issues when they get older.

Labrador Retriever Traits

Exercise Needs
Health Issues
Barking Tendencies
Grooming Needs
Shedding Level
Training Needs
Good With Kids
Good With Cats
Good As A Service Dog
Good For Apartments & Small Homes
Biting Tendencies
Energy Level
Good With Other Dogs
Sensitive to Cold Weather
Sensitive to Warm Weather
Good For First Time Pet Parents
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